Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm back

These past weeks have been kind of hectic. I got all of my homework done by Wednesday this week which was nice. I am uploading a few videos to youtube right now but I have more cleaning to do. I am focusing on my room today. I have decided to do a project a day. That doesn't mean just crafts though, yesterday, I guess you could say I had tiny projects. I prepped some projects while I organized things. Pretty much all of my stuff is now in my room.
Yesterday I:
Cleared my craft stuff from the table
Did 3 loads of laundry
took everything of mine out of the living room
took everything from the computer room
took care of recyclables
sorted my craft drawers
finished off 2 hats

today i am focusing on the rest of my room and vacuuming.

1 comment:

  1. The things you're doing sound productive and rewarding. You go girl!
