Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I kicked butt!

I only have to finish my final for my class and then all of my assignments are finished! I wanted to get them done before my subscription for Microsoft Office and such ran out. I hope I don't get in trouble for turning them in early. I just wanted to cover my bases. The final is a bit difficult but I can finish it soon.
Plus... tomorrow is Thanksgiving and that is always a busy day. People ask my why it's busy because we don't have it at our house. We had it at our house last year and it was crazy busy. We always go to nana's and papa's and then we go to dads side. Dad hosted his side last year [as i stated above]
There are only going to be 10 of us at Nana's tomorrow. Levi and Cass and down in Illinois for Thanksgiving.I get a bit frustrated when I try to contact that wonderful brother of mine because his sister-in-law always calls him brother. It's just a bit difficult because I feel like they have a better relationship than we have and I had 19 years with him in my life and she had 4. grrrrr.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for all your hard work on your school work.

    There will be 10 at our house for Thanksgiving too.

    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
