Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I kicked butt!

I only have to finish my final for my class and then all of my assignments are finished! I wanted to get them done before my subscription for Microsoft Office and such ran out. I hope I don't get in trouble for turning them in early. I just wanted to cover my bases. The final is a bit difficult but I can finish it soon.
Plus... tomorrow is Thanksgiving and that is always a busy day. People ask my why it's busy because we don't have it at our house. We had it at our house last year and it was crazy busy. We always go to nana's and papa's and then we go to dads side. Dad hosted his side last year [as i stated above]
There are only going to be 10 of us at Nana's tomorrow. Levi and Cass and down in Illinois for Thanksgiving.I get a bit frustrated when I try to contact that wonderful brother of mine because his sister-in-law always calls him brother. It's just a bit difficult because I feel like they have a better relationship than we have and I had 19 years with him in my life and she had 4. grrrrr.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Questions answered and Unanswered

I got feedback from the teacher. She told me I should uninstall the program but that seems a little difficult to me seeing as though it is just a free trial. Also, the trial expires in about 2 weeks. I am so unsure about what to do.
I finished a mini album this morning. It's just kind of plain and smile but I think it's cute. I have also prepped my pages for my flower mini and my butterfly mini. Mom is going to look through some pictures with me today so that I can hopefully make some copies so that we can have them Saturday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More school drama

I wanted to get a jumpstart on homework but I can't.... I am supposed to make forms and reports with the form & report wizards on acess. There is one problem.... IT WON'T WORK! Yeah... this really sucks bad. I am not sure what to do. I have already posted about it though so hopefully i get help soon. A few of my friends have Access on their computers but I can't get to their houses.
Yeah today is going to be a long day...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ran around a lot

The morning started out normal. I had breakfast and all of that good stuff. Dad and I left at about 11:30. I attempted to eat a sandwich I made but it just didn't taste right. Prior to that, we found out that one of our cousins passed away. When grandma called, i could tell it in her voice. He was my grandma's 1st cousin. Anyways here is what we did:
Post office: mailed package to Canada
Pharmacy: picked up dads and my perscription and got a free candle [they had a customer appreciation thing]
Library [got 9 to 5 the musical soundtrack, Love will keep us together [book], and The OH in Ohio
Credit Union: put refund check in savings
Blockbuster: got Leap Year, 500 days of Summer, Fame, and Post Grad
Taco Bell/KFC: had lunch
Oil Change: only took like 10 mins
Aunt Sharon: bought 2 skirts and 3 pairs of pants 2 pairs of jeans 1 pair black pants
Office Depot: got mouse and envolopes
1st place for water softener salt: not successful
2nd place for the same: see above
Aunt Brenda's: they weren't back from running arrends yet
Home Depot: see a few posts up
3rd place for water softener stuff: no longer there
Back to Aunt Brenda's
Out to dinner with grandma and Aunt Brenda
We didn't get back until 8:30 I am a bit tired but it was nice to get out to do stuff
I hope I get to go to Aunt Jill's because I have homework to do on her computer this weekend

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Busy next few days

I didn't get to write yesterday! I was up in my room getting stuff around for the crop on the 20. It takes me a while to find all of my stuff so I am prepping a week early. I am going to go upstairs soon to reorganize the reast of my stufdf and maybe move furiture. I can't really move much of it but thats alright.
Tomorrow me and dad have a lot to do:
go to library
Post office
Credit Union
Aunt Sharons to buy some clothes
and grandmas.
plus the water treatment guy is going to come and fix something. for some reason, the water has been turning purple sometimes.
Dad also had to get the side of the van fixed... oy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Frustration and Shopping

I slept through the night without waking up at weird times. I didn't go to bed until 11:30 because I attempted to watch Conan. It was good but I was just too tired to watch.
As I type, I am yawning, feeling the effect of sleeping from 11:30 until 6:15 this morning. I am glad I got up early though because the roofers got here at about 7:30. yeah... I think they will be done today but I am not sure. I was planning on taking a nap but I don't know if that will happen.
I think im gonna need a nap because of not much sleep plus today at 4 we are going into town to go shopping and then see Grandma. I am going to try on stuff Aunt Sharon set aside at the consignment store she works at. I may pick up some other clothes too if they are cheap. After grandma's, we are going to go to blockbuster and I get 5 movies for my birthday. They are running a 5 for 20 deal right now so im pumped.
I need to get around the 30 dollars for mom by the end of the week. The difficult thing is she isn't going to be home today. I also need to have her put my refund check from school in my account. It's a joint account with her so she can put it in for me. I hope she will. =]

Monday, November 8, 2010


I feel very productive today. Although I am still in my pajama's. I am most likely going to stay in them all day. I will explain why:
Daylight Savings is mesing with my head. I went to bed at about 8:30 and woke up at 11:00, p.m. that is. Then I took a shower for some reason. I wasn't feeling too great, I just felt gross. So after the shower came about 2 more hours of sleep. I woke up at 1 a.m. to our neighbors dogs barking like crazy. I turned on a movie and went back to sleep. Then I woke up slightly at 4:30 and it was pitch dark, as usual. Went straight back to bed thwen and woke up again when I heard mom downstairs putting away dishes.
So... if I did not say this in an earlier blog, we have a mouse... or maybe mice. We have set out poison 3 nights in a row and it has all been eaten. So i am kind of freaked out about being here alone. When I got up to take my shower I felt dirty like one had crawled on me which I know was just in my head but still. At least one of them should be dead by now. They aren't attracted to the sticky traps which surprises me. But anyways,
I woke up at 6:30 to start my day, ate breakfast, checked e-mails, watched about 10 seconds of tv, and then started crafting again. I couldn't help myself. At 8, I called the dentists office to cancle my appointment for today. Mom wouldn't have been able to come get me.
I took two tests and got 95 on one and 94 on the other. yay!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sorting things

I am sorting stuff I am going to take to the crop. I have to get pictures printed within the next few weeks. Well... week. I want everything prepared before the week of the crop. I am super excited. Most of the projects I am going to do are partially finished. here is a list of what I am going to finish:
Paper Towel Mini
Anna's 1st birthday Mini
Hanging Picture holders for Autumn and Aunt Sandy
Really, all I need are:
rope or chain to connect the hanging frames.

I am going to see if I can get some stills of the boys for Niki's pt mini. The paper is already on them. All they need is pictures and eyelits so they can be connected. I need clasps (circle rings) so I can put the pt minis done nicely.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I didn't get it

I called the coffee shop and they have their starting staff already. They say they may call me in the near future which is exciting.
I already turned in all of my homework and did all of my reading. I am worried that my Microsoft subscription is going to run out. I'm worried that I may not be able to complete my class.
Sorry that my writings are so short I just have so many tiny topics to talk about.
Someone came and dropped off a garbage bin so that they can trow our roof away! Yay! [not really.] Hopefully, we may be able to throw away things from upstairs that we can't recycle. Since Levi has known the roofers daughter since grade school maybe they will let us.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Urgent! Help! Only 3 weeks to LIVE!

Still waiting

I am so nervous. I didn't get a call yesterday. If I don't get a call by 1 p.m. i am going to give them a follow up call. They did let me know that they will be hiring again soon before I left to go see mom yesterday. I called Aunt Sharon yesterday to have her set some pants and belts aside for me. No matter what, I need to get some new pants and stuff for interviews or work.
Dad told me that we have a mouse.i guess it was roaming around last night. I don't want to run across it. I hope he gets some sort of trap or something today. I mean, I hate the poison stuff because i always have to sweep up the rest but I have mice.... That is one thing I hate about living in the country.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It went...

It went well. Mom dropped me off at 8 a.m. even though my interview was at 9. I walked in and asked if I had to fill anything out. The guy I talked to on the phone was there so we did my interview then. I was done by about 8:20. We covered a lot of stuff. I got a ride from the other manager to meet mom at the elementary school. She helps with Kindergartners 2 times a week. I helped out until we had to leave at 10. They were cute kids.
After we came home I did some homework and now I am just updating yall. I am most likely going to take a break from homework to write a bit but I hope to have all of my homework finished by tomorrow night.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Second post in one day

Okay so I have big news:
I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW! At 9 a.m. I have an interview for a coffee shop. I am pretty jazzed. Many of you may not know this but... i love coffee! Coffee is amazing. I no longer drink caffinated coffee but decaf is pretty awesome.
The manager called me and said he had an interview time open at 9 a.m. so i am going to have it then. How many times ave I said it is at 9 a.m. That means i have to get up before dad leaves so I have enough time to get ready. Mom is going to drop me off at about 8 maybe. I only filled out the online application which means I may have to fill out more paperwork so going early is okay. I wish some of my friends lived in the town where I am having my interview so I could hang out with them but no such luck

No longer doing NanoWriMo

Too much is going on right now for me to do Nanowrimo. I need to do a lot of things including finding a job. I did start selling baby hats at a local store but I haven't sold any.
I am going to check with some friends and see if where they work is hiring. Dad is most likely have to go to the Secretary of State today. If I feel up to it... i will possibly go so I can get my state ID.
I kind of broke down again last night. Dad keeps saying that I am using him as a crutch. If I didn't have to I wouldn't... trust me. Before the accident I felt like I was kind of Independent. Well i guess not since then dad had to take me everywhere because I was 14 but I could go in stores without panicking or I would go to football and basketball games by myself after he would drop me off.
People have told me to write out everything and I have but it's not like it's something I can get over. I have written about it in some many different ways... oy vey. I have a lot of things to do today.
Transfering numbers to my new phone
getting ID?
maybe taking the test for my permit
Finding a way to get my medicine.

Speaking of medicine, people have also told me I may have to go on Anti-anxiety or Anti-depressants. the thing they don't understand is that when you have epilepsy, it can take a while to find something that works. Also, some things could cause me to have seizures.
As I stated before, the job thing is also on the list.