Friday, April 29, 2011

Early... maybe too early

I am awake. I have been up since 5:30 and I watched the Royal Wedding. It felt like it lasted forever but it was nice. I actually thought I was going to cry but it didn't happen. I am trying to make some more slideshows today that are edited nicely. =]

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

False worry

It didn't storm yesterday. it is supposed to today which i do not like at all. I have been up for almost 2 hours and it isn't even 9 a.m. yet. I have already gotten some vaccuming done and now i need to do some laundry. I dislike laundry when it rains because of the threat of no power.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i hate rain

there has been a threat of bad weather all day but it has only rained a little bit. I have already posted to the discussion boards and I will be reading my chapters later today. I think I have 4 assignments this week plus 2 tests. I still don't know how i did on the written portion of my test yesterday.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I got an 80% so far on my test. I say that because there was 1 question that was a written answer worth 2 points but so far, 20/25!
I was so worried that I wasn't going to do well because i was confused about specific parts of the chapter but I am all good now. Also, homework is in and I posted 2 times to the DT's.
Now 2 chapters this week.
Oh, got a letter about having to pay back my student loans but dad says not to worry. idk what to think.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gardening & the wind

Levi & Cass came home last night. I have already gotten in a fight with him. He was just going at me about school & life after it and stuff. I mean, I understand that I need to get a job and figure stuff out but its just hard. I may have to start paying my student loans back already which is really frustrating.
We worked out in the side yard and cleaned out some flower beds.
I have painted my nails and such today. I still need to get other parts of my outfit around and I may do another workout tonight because I may not have much time tomorrow.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Full of stress

i am so sick of chapter 11 already. I read through 11.6 all the way through 7 then looked at the vocabulary words. I am going to be going through the other 4 sections again and writing more in depth notes. Biology has never been my strong suit. I have to kick butt in it though or I am in deep crap.
the Social Network wasn't that great AT ALL. I don't know if I think this because I am not a fan of Jesse Eisenberg or for some other reason. Maybe I am just too stressed to enjoy anything else.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

busy days ahead

i am editing videos and doing homework today. We are getting The social Network tonight and we may get The Kings Speech by Saturday.
I only have 1 chapter this week so I have to do really well. Today i plan on:
read chapter 11
look over assignment 1

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cleaning machine

I have found that cleaning is my way of procrastination. Our house really needs it though so it is beneficial. I still need to do as follows for school:
complete assignment 3

it does look like a lot but DT's won't take long and the tests are only 45 mins a piece I think. 20 questions in all so thats not bad. I thought I did better on my homework last week than I did but 60% of our grade is tests so I am really focusing on them. Also, it is important to focus on DT's because they are easy points.
I just checked and I have a 75%. to me that is unacceptable. I am so frustrated it is crazy./
I have started working out though, I worked out Saturday and Sunday. I have yet to for today but I will as soon as I complete my Dt's & homework.
10:18 a.m.
All Dt's & Assignments are complete. I am going to clean up the house some more. my room needs some work.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some not so good news

My GPA is below a 2.0 so I can't get finacial aid unless I appeal. I never thought this would happen. However, my GPA is 1.923.
So close yet so far!
Working on schoolwork all day most liekly. I think it is raining today.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I didn't realize

it has been 4 days since i last posted. Not much has happened. I have to post in my DTs today and Saturday, I will post Sunday to be safe making sure i get enough in. I completed 1 assignment and now have 2 to go. My first assignment is almost complete. assignment 3 is kinda confusing so I may put it off until tomorrow.
I haven't specifically journaled but i am still working on poems. I also count bio-notes as my writing for the day since they are so long sometimes. plus i rewrite them a few times sometimes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Trying to be productive.

I took 2 of the tests yesterday so I only have one left. Here is my list for today:
Homework #3
I already finished the 3rd assignment. So now I only have DT's & the test to do. when it comes to stuff around the house, I have already taken care of dishes in the dishwasher. there are some in the other drainer I need to take care of.
Had a panic attack trying to get in thde shower this morning. I think i just wasn't awake enough yet.
Back to schoolwork & housework i go!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Figured some things out!

I figured out how to use my sock loom. it takes a very long time. I think I have done about 5 rows but I have barely used any. I think i am going to work on hats today. One crappy thing is that I can't find any of my old hooks.
Yesterday, my dads co worker was supposed to come get the water bed but she didn't show up. I hope she does today so we can get it out of the big room. I am going to spend some time in there today cleaning up my stuff.That leads me to another organizing/year sale tip:
If you are going to have one, find a large space in your house where you can sort out everything you want to sell. thankfully the big room is full of stuff we don't use so all i had to do was get boxes and sort things into them.
Mom wants to check with people to see if they want some of the big furniture that is up there. She suggested burning an old couch we have up there. it seems like the best idea because we really don't use it and we are unable to get it downstairs. Plus, this summer it would be nice to have a bonfire that I could see all of my old friends at.
There is also a drawer set of sorts up there than Uncle Mil gave levi that we don't really need to use. she thought maybe aunt Brenda would be interested in it. i hope so just so we can figure out what to do with Levi's stuff.
Another reason why i want to clean up that room is because it is supposed to be about 70 degrees today =]

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day off

I am going to take a day off from studying besides posting discussion topics. =] Mom and I are going to stop at her work and then go get lunch for nana & papa. I don't know how long I am going to stay there but I may take my biology book just in case. =]
Have to fill up my MP3 Player

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Now comes the waiting game.

Now I am tortured by sitting and waiting to hear back. it look semi pretty outside although it is still gloomy.
I have been trying to vlog [video blog] but the blog just seems easier because I can see specifically what I have written about. If that makes any sense.
I will begin studying for my permit test soon so that is something fun! [not really]

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bugging out

I sent in a resume for a secretary job a few miles from my house and I thought it went through. just to check I called the church this morning and the pastor said it didn't. i sent it to her as a reply to a blank e-mail she sent but if i doesn't go through I am going to be angry.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Discriptive writing

I decided to kind of meditate last night. Alright, it wasn't like me sitting in the same position for an hour but I sat in silence trying to figure some things out. After about 5 minuets, I would go from laying on my back to my stomach and then my right side. it was kinda nice to turn on Soudscapes and just sit there. After each time sitting still for 3-5 minuets, I would write down description of how I felt. Then, I wrote a poem and bout it using descriptive words.
thinking about making copies of my poems and sending them to publishers.... Good Idea?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New computer

Yesterday dad bought a new computer. we now have a HP with Windows 7. I didn't write at all yesterday because I was drained. I was sick in the morning and it took a lot out of me. So BEDA is kinda ruined. :(

Friday, April 1, 2011

What I started last night

Alright, so i watched grey's Anatomy last night & it hit home.... I thought about my car accident and all of that stuff, so I went upstairs and started writing what it is that I remember about it. I didn't get far because i was tired but i think I am just going to write that as much as I can.
Oh, it is BEDA now [blog every day in april] I hope I can keep up but no matter what I will be writing.
I got my first assignment for Bio-102 done. it was an intro thing where we had to go through the sylubus.
On the American History front... I FINISHED MY FINAL PAPER! I checked to see if all of my assignments were in as well which they are. I still need to do my 2 posts for the night but I am going to take my test before Monday.
One thing though is our computer keeps crashing. right now it is on safemode which is helpful but we will be getting a new one soon.
I have to go to the Credit Union tomorrow & withdraw money for dad since I had to pay for my upcoming class.
Anyway, back to studying i go, I may even try to get Bio Homework done =]